Legal aspects of environmental problems of open coal transshipment in seaports

  • Филичева Татьяна Петровна

    T. Р. Philicheva. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Coal transshipment activities in the seaports of the Russian Federation are carried out by specialized organizations (stevedores). The process of coal transshipment includes such stages as the delivery of coal by rail to the port in open-type freight cars, unloading and transportation
(moving) on the territory of the port, preparation (cleaning, crushing), storage and loading on the ship. A specialized transport organization (stevedoring company, stevedores) is responsible for the transshipment of coal and other cargo at the seaport, which operates in the port
under lease agreements with the federal government agency responsible for the safe operation of the port's infrastructure. Coal terminals in the seaport are the epicenter of air pollution of adjacent territories and coastal waters with coal dust and other pollutants. The complex
of coal transshipment facilities in the seaport belongs to the objects of the II category of danger to the environment, therefore, in accordance with Russian legislation, transshipment activities are regulated by special environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements.
Stevedores invest heavily in solving environmental problems, including the transition to new available technologies, which will reduce the adverse impact on the environment. However, in many ports, the situation is slowly changing for the better. The analysis of law enforcement
practice shows that the provisions of the lease agreement need to be improved, which do not provide clear criteria for the occurrence of circumstances that would become the basis for early termination of the lease agreement with tenants who do not comply with the requirements
of environmental legislation.

Keywords: stevedores, coal transshipment in the seaport, negative impact on the environment, lease agreement, environmental aspects, environmental measures, environmental risks.